Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
Great Britain, History and criticism, Iso-Britannia, Music, Popular music, Social aspects, Yhdysvallat, historia, maskuliinisuus, musiikinhistoria, musiikki, musiikkisosiologia, musiikkiteollisuus, musik, muusikot, populaarimusiikki, populärmusik, rock, yhtyeet, äänilevyt.

Criticism interpretation etc, kokoomateokset.


Litpop : writing and popular music
Punk aesthetics and new folk : way down the old plank road
Frank Zappa and the And
Experiencing 'Flow' in Jazz Performance
Political rock
Song means : analysing and interpreting recorded popular song
'Rock on' : women, ageing and popular music
The art of record production : an introductory reader for a new academic field
We are the champions : the politics of sports and popular music
She's so fine : reflections on whiteness, femininity, adolescence and class in 1960s music
Other voices : hidden histories of Liverpool's popular music scenes, 1930s-1970s
As heard on TV : popular music in advertising
The British pop dandy : masculinity, popular music and culture
B-sides, undercurrents and overtones : peripheries to popular in music, 1960 to the present
Sonic synergies : music, technology and community, identity
Dark side of the tune : popular music and violence
The rock canon : canonical values in the reception of rock albums
Popular music and the state in the UK : culture, trade or industry?
Sgt. Pepper and the Beatles : it was forty years ago today
Gender in the music industry : rock, discourse, and girl power
The resisting muse : popular music and social protest
Brazilian popular music : Caetano Veloso and the regeneration of tradition
Music, space and place : popular music and cultural identity
Pop music-- technology and creativity : Trevor Horn and the digital revolution
The British folk revival : 1944-2002
'Every sound there is' : the Beatles' Revolver and the transformation of rock and roll
Rock, the primary text : developing a musicology of rock
Global repertoires : popular music within and beyond the transnational music industry