Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
Academic libraries, Libraries, Western countries, ammatit, ammattilaiset, informaatikot, informaatioala, informaatiolukutaito, kirjastoala, kirjastonhoitajat, kirjastopalvelut, kirjastot, kirjastotyö, kirjat, muutos, professions, tiedonhallinta, tietoyhteiskunta, tulevaisuus, tutkimus.


Radical information literacy : reclaiming the political heart of the IL Movement
Demystifying the institutional repository for success
Excellence in the stacks : strategies, practices and reflections of award-winning libraries
Workplace culture in academic libraries : the early 21st century
Ways of experiencing information literacy : making the case for a relational approach
Libraries and society : role, responsibility and future in an age of change
Gatekeepers of knowledge : a consideration of the library, the book and the scholar in the Western world
Imagine your library's future : scenario planning for libraries and information organisations
Library Web ecology : what you need to know as web design coordinator
Information obesity
Building bridges : collaboration within and beyond the academic library
The new information professional : how to thrive in the information age doing what you love
The strategic management of technology : a guide for library and information services
The role of the academic librarian