Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
Kenia, Scandinavia, Taitavuoret, apartments, etäisyys, geologia, geotieteet, hyvinvointi, kaukokartoitus, kaupunkisuunnittelu, kulkutavat, liikenneverkot, liikkuminen, maantiede, matka-aika, migration, paikkatietojärjestelmät, population, welfare.

kokousjulkaisut, väitöskirjat.



Analysing spatial accessibility patterns with travel time and distance measures : novel approaches for rural and urban contexts27
Community and institutional perspectives on water management and environmental changes in the Taita Hills, Kenya : final research report11
2nd Finnish National Colloquium of Geosciences : 3.-5.3.2015 : program and abstracts10
Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2012 : Book of Abstracts7
8th National Geological Colloquium : program and abstracts5
Enhanced processing of SPOT multispectral satellite imagery for environmental monitoring and modelling5
Guide to the IGCP-510 (A-type granites and related rocks through time) field trip, Southeastern Finland, August 14-18, 20103
International Conference on A-type granites and related rocks through time (IGCP-510) : Helsinki, Finland , August 18-20, 2010 : abstract volume2
Immigration, housing and segregation in the Nordic welfare states2