Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
Anopheles beklemishevi, biotalous, boreaalinen vyöhyke, boreaaliset metsät, diskonttaus, hajoaminen, hiilen kierto, hiili, hiilidioksidi, historia, isotoopit, kasvu, luonnonvarat, maaperä, metsäekonomia, metsäsuunnittelu, puutavara, päätöstuki, voting methods, äänestysmenetelmät.

opinnäytteet, väitöskirjat.

Suomi, englanti



The emergence and early development of forest resource economic thought : from land and forest valuation to marginal analysis and vintage capital models212
Developing decision support in participatory strategic forest planning in Metsähallitus141
Temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition in boreal soils107
Forestscapes : a forest landscape typology as an integrated planning process tool98
The decline of northern malaria and population dynamics of Plasmodium vivax73
The structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) stems in relation to wood properties of sawn timber70
Modelling the growth and properties of stem and wood of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) as related to silvicultural management with implications for sawing yield and properties of sawn pieces65
Effects of environmental and internal factors of trees and timber treatment on colour of dried birch (Betula pendula) wood19