Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
luonnon monimuotoisuus, metsät.


Forestry in the changing socio-economic conditions of the Baltic countries : 12-18 August18
Forest excursion to St. Petersburg : 12-18 August 199517
Kola excursion through Finnish Lapland and northeastern Norway to the Kola Peninsula : 12-19 August15
Forestry and biodiversity : 12-18 August14
Forestry and rural development in the Nordic countries : 12-17 August13
Broadleaved forest management for multiple use : 13-19 August 199512
Protection and multiple use of natural resources in Finnish Lapland : 12-17 August11
Forestry and forest research north of the Arctic Circle : 12-17 August10
Forestry and nature conservation in the lake district of Saimaa : 12-15 August 19958
Genetic resources and forest reproductive material : 12-16 August7
Inventory of forest resources and small-scale forestry : 13-15 August 19956
The mechanical wood industry and its products : 13-15 August4
Wood procurement and forest industries in Finland : 12-17 August 19953
Forestry in the lake district of Pirkanmaa : 13-15 August 19952
Multiple-use forestry in the southwestern archipelago : 12-15 August 19951