Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
Dewey John, Mead George H, biogas, biokaasu, förändring, hälsovård, hållbar utveckling, kestävä kehitys, luovuus, maatalous, maatilat, muutos, psykologia, sairaalahoito, sjukhusvård, tiede, tieteensosiologia, tieteidenvälisyys, tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminta, tutkimustyö.

Suomi, englanti


The problem of creativity in technology studies : invention as artifact construction and culturally distributed work2000, numero 23
Haste and well-being at work : a research plan2000, numero 22
Boundary crossing in children's health care : negotiations between general and special practice in medicine : a research plan1999, numero 17
Courtwork in transition : transformation of legal practices and development of collaboration in a Finnish district court : a research plan1997, numero 12
Learning to work in networks in subcontracting companies1997, numero 10
Everyday activity at home : applying developmental work research in studying families with young children : a research plan1997, numero 8
Development of learning, problem solving and network contacts in an elementary school teacher team : a research plan1996, numero 7
What makes a research team work? : the development of object, collaboration and networks of a Finnish and an American aerosol research team : a research plan1996, numero 6
Work ability as a characteristic of an organization : a study of work-related well-being and organizational change in the institutionalized care of the elderly : a research plan1996, numero 5
Representations in the mathematics classroom : reflections and constructions1996, numero 3
Mediating design and use : explorations into the interaction between the cultures of product development and everyday life : a research plan28/2001
From challenge to action : conceptualizing the challange for change in a developmental intervention of hospital work : a research plan27/2001
Border zones between communities as locations for reshaping care and work : about the boundaries and their crossing in the elaboration of the negotiate practice between primary and specialized care in internal medicine : a research plan26/2001
Development cooperation of non-governmental organisations at work : an activity theoretical insight to the practices of Finnish NGO-development cooperation in Morogoro, Tanzania21/2000
Dynamics of change in research work : constructing a new research area in a research group20/1999
Organic vegetable farming and its zone of proximal development : a research plan15
Dealing collectively with learning challenges in on-farm biogas production : a study about learning towards environmental sustainability : research plan