Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
1600-luku, 1700-1800-luku, 19th century, Barchester England: Imaginary place, Dickens Charles, Drama, England, English fiction, Fiction, Great Britain, India, englannin kieli, lyyrikot, näytelmät, romaanit, runous.

englanninkielinen kirjallisuus, kaunokirjallisuus, klassikot, latinankielinen kirjallisuus, runot.


A philosophical enquiry into the sublime and beautiful
The Castle of Otranto : a gothic story
Daisy Miller ; An international episode
Satires and epistles
Billy Budd, sailor and selected tales
Evelina, or the history of a young lady's entrance into the world
The major works : [including Paradise lost]
Four major plays
The memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq
Tom Brown's schooldays
A tale of two cities
The admirable Crichton : Peter Pan ; When Wendy grew up ; What every woman knows ; Mary Rose
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens and Peter and Wendy
The Count of Monte Cristo
Heart of darkness and other tales
Young Goodman Brown and other tales
On war
The warden
Tamburlaine, parts I and II ; Doctor Faustus, A- and B-texts ; The Jew of Malta ; Edward II
The Kalevala : an epic poem after oral tradition by Elias Lönnrot
Barchester Towers
Major works
The adventures of Tom Sawyer
The major works
Late Victorian Gothic tales
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Wilkie Collins
Paradise lost
Selected journalism
Married love
The compleat angler
Sylvia's lovers
Tales of the elders of Ireland = (Acallam na senâorach)
David Copperfield
The Kalevala : an epic poem after oral tradition
Sister Carrie
The Country Wife and other plays
Riders of the purple sage
Miss Julie and other plays
Tom Jones
A mad world, my masters ; Michaelmas term ; A trick to catch the old one ; No wit, no help like a woman's
As you like it
The doctor's wife
The diary of a nobody
Four Jacobean sex tragedies
The house of the seven gables
Five plays